I'd been hungrily eying Frye Campus boots for three years before I finally buckled down and purchased a pair. I was jealous of every woman I saw wearing them. Whether brand new or well, well, well worn in, they always looked perfectly stylish to me.
I loved the way they could roughen up a too-frilly dress in the springtime, and lend a carefree element to a buttoned-up outfit in the winter. I appreciated their bohemian ruggedness, and at the same time, was glad they didn't look as if they belonged on a dude ranch.
It's also nice to know that Frye is a brand I can count on, as it's been in business for over 100 years. I expect to have my boots for forever, despite the fact that I wear them all the time.
The Campus boots don't have a zipper down the side, but with the help of two canvas loops sewn into the lining, they're quite easy to pull on. I found the boots to be a little heavy at first, but now I'm quite used to them. They're the comfiest, most sturdy shoes I own--hardly a surprise to me.
My pair is the "banana" color you see above, but I plan on collecting the boots in a variety of shades. I don't yet own a casual pair of black boots, and when I finally get around to finally some I see no reason why I would want them to be anything other than Frye Campus.
I big puffy heart my Frye cowboy boots!