Building my wardrobe, one merry mistake at a time.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Fifi Lapin went to Egypt!
Everyone's favorite fashion bunny, Miss Fifi Lapin, has returned from her Egyptian vacay. I can't tell you how jealous I am. I have a bit of an Egyptian obsession. Lady Lapin made a wise choice in wearing Philip Lim harem trousers on her trip. Find out more by clicking here.
Welcome to Meet My Closet! I'm a newlywed living in the NYC area, and am just a tad fashion obsessed. That said, I'm no fashion expert. I'm always working to make the most out of my wardrobe, and when you're as much of a perfectionist as I am, that's really no easy task! Perhaps you have some input or advice for me! So come on over and meet my closet.
ah i wanted to visit egypt.