Monday, June 15, 2009

Hot Hair Color

I recently got my hair cut (total three cheers shout out to NYC Japanese salon Manish which gave me the cut of my life for just $60!), and now I need it colored. Although my stylist at Manish complimented me incessantly on my ash blonde locks, I must admit, I'm sooo blahhed out by my current color. I need something a little brighter, a tad riskier, a smidgen!

We wear our hair every day, so I definitely consider a new shade for my tresses to be an addition to my wardrobe. Some of the looks on which I've had my eye:

Model Jessica Stam's cut and color is actually pretty similar to my own. But her locks are a bit more sweet honey compared to my blah brassy. I love to see women rocking the middle part (my hair refuses to part any other way), and boy does her head manage to shine, shine on. I also love the way her eye makeup looks in every single picture I see of her. I wonder if she almost always has a professional smoke her eyes up, or if she sometimes does it herself. Regardless, the results are consistently perfect. No matter how much black liner she smudges onto her lids, you can't help but be dazzled by how bright blue her eyes really are.

If you're a fashion magdict like I am, you've seen this pic (to the right) from the new Almay color intense ad. The coloring looks way better in the magazines, but you can kind of get the idea here. I must admit, I do love the model's makeup. But more than that, I love her hair. I am not at all afraid of chunky highlights. I'm not sure they would look as good on a cut of my length, however, and the upkeep might be more strenuous.

Claire Danes' color is kind of a happy medium, don't you think? The obvious highlights are there, but the overall affect is softer. It seems brighter, too, despite the lighter shade. It looks like a mix between the almost white hair I had as a kid and the much darker blonde I've grown into today.

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